Blue Lemon Sandy
July 27, 2019 What can I say, I’m a glass half-full kinda guy. Keep suggesting @blue.lemon with all the taco hope in the world. I
July 27, 2019 What can I say, I’m a glass half-full kinda guy. Keep suggesting @blue.lemon with all the taco hope in the world. I
July 11, 2019 So the thing about getting these #keto tacos at @fueledkitchen is that subbing the tortilla for lettuce really lets you fully taste
July 4, 2019 This, my friends, is America! Chicken curry street taco served out of @tandoortaco’s repurposed school bus on the 4th of July. So
April 22, 2017 Molcajete long overdue. It’s a food fiesta in a scalding hot lava stone and everyone’s invited. You name it, it’s probably cooking
November 10, 2015 Lucha libre lovers will get a kick out of this place. But even under #BlueDemon’s watchful eye, @tacolibre_la delivers only half of
June 16, 2015 When the best thing about your #tacotuesday is the kale and beet salad. We’ve had some great experiences at @bruscounter with their
January 13, 2015 Go with the #carnitas! Super #juicy and flavorful—by far the best of their offerings (sad #alpastor and tough #carneasada). Black beans were
January 6, 2015 Who doesn’t love #tacos on an unusually hot and #sunny #beach day in the middle of #winter?! Even though it has an
November 6, 2014 Feelin’ the #TacoLove? Loving the #guac smear on the #tacos for sure. The #verdict after trying each of the six meats: #pork