What Is Vitamin T?

I'm Scott Porter—entrepreneur, brand experience strategist
...and I’m completely obsessed with tacos.

Let’s connect! 

[email protected]

I help CEOs and leaders leverage the power of human connection to create breakthrough brand and customer experiences.

I love tacos. I dream about them, and I sometimes wonder if there’s a taco out there dreaming of me too…

But for me, the taco experience is about much more than just devouring the greatest food on planet earth — it’s one of the greatest master classes on real human connection and customer experience.

I have traveled throughout Mexico and the world on my search for the perfect taco and have learned valuable lessons that I have incorporated into my businesses. I have come to believe that tacos are the best teachers for brand experience, whether you are at the top ranked taco restaurant in Mexico City, or at a humble taquería in downtown LA.

These taquerías have taught me to incorporate human connection and brand experience as a competitive advantage in any industry.

That’s why I have created Vitamin T, to teach these principles to CEOs and leaders to help their organizations thrive and leave a lasting impact.

When you deliver positive brand and customer experiences, you can expect transformative business results: 140% more customer spend, 15% revenue increase, 20% cost reduction and 500% increase in loyalty*. In addition to those enviable outcomes, you’ll influence countless human-to-human interactions that build self-worth and happiness and create a lasting personal legacy as a force for good.

 Throughout my conversations with dozens of forward-thinking CEOs on my podcast/video series, Tacoincidence, and through advising executives at Disney, Intel, Coca-Cola, Amgen, Honeywell and the NFL –  I’ve seen firsthand the impact of designing a positive, cohesive brand experience. It can truly differentiate your organization and lead to an increase in efficiency and profitability.

From the businesses I’ve run in health care, luxury airline and gourmet food industries, I’ve implemented a system and framework to create extraordinary brand experiences and mission-driven success. In one year, our nursing home went from bankruptcy to $4.5M revenue in a market with 200 direct competitors. At Surf Air, we built fierce loyalty with our team and clients — earning a Net Promoter Score of 91 in the airline industry with an NPS average of 15.

By prioritizing and incorporating human connection into your organization at every touchpoint, you will not only empower your team to bring your mission to life but you’ll also be positioned for meaningful impact in our new relationship and experience economy.

I’d love to connect with you over email, text or tacos!
Please reach out to:


Discuss defining your brand DNA or creating your breakthrough brand and customer experience


Engage with your tea through speaking or training


Share an awesome (or awful) brand experience or a fave taco spot


Connect on entrepreneurship, humanitarian development, travel, fitness, food, faith