April 14, 2016
Oh snap—never underestimate the #powerofthetaco! What do you get when you bring together the friendliest #DIY #bloggers on the planet with a #tacobus and some real #tacofever? A jealousy-inducing @snapconf #tacotour captured in amazing detail on the hot new @gozeapp. #Rollindeep, our #entourage hit up local faves @tacotacoslc (that carne asada and the new chicken #chileverde and consistent fast, friendly service), #Chungas (oh, their #alpastor on the trompo with piña!) and #Albertos (larger than the usual #taco and stuffed with tasty carne asada or chicken). #letstacoboutgoze #goze #snapconf #tacosandblogs #tacosgozeandbloggers #ohmy #tacolife #utahtacos #SLC #downtown #thetacotour #lacomunidaddeltaco #tacotour

Search for the Perfect Taco Overall Lime Rating

Find, Follow and Learn More about Alberto’s:
- 4.3 Rating
- 1,070 Reviews
- Alberto’s
- 511 S. 300 W. Salt Lake City, UT 84101 USA
- 801-531-0411
- Check out @SearchforthePerfectTaco Instagram for more about Alberto’s and other Taco Stops.

Scott Porter
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