April 28, 2015
If heaven has #mole (and it better), then angelic Rocío’s the #chef! You’d think you would want to steer clear of an over-the-top claim to be “mole of the Gods.” Unless, of course, you are Rocío. Usually I’m a fan of the mantra “under promise and over deliver,” but her #mole is THAT good and lives up to her self-proclaimed #divineexpectations! Many people have asked me where you can find the best mole in #LA…make a beeline north of the #Burbank #airport in an obscure #stripmall for 15 varieties of rich, #handcrafted and fresh moles at @rociosmole. Pick your #protein and drench it in your choice of a classic #chocolatey, smoky, #spicy mole (from her family’s #Oaxacan recipes with a gazillion ingredients: #poblano, Oaxaqueño or #pipián) or her #innovative moles (#pistachio, sikil-pak [#dog’s running nose for its fiery heat] or her signature corn #truffle#MoledelosDioses [the black mole in the pic I call “#Christmas in your mouth”]). AND she makes unique handmade green #tortillas with #nopales (cactus)! It all equates to a #Mexican #stairwaytoheaven! #moleofthegods #LAlife #tacos#tacotuesday #latergram #moletacos

Search for the Perfect Taco Overall Lime Rating

Find, Follow and Learn More about Rocio’s Mole De Los Dioses :
- 4.1 Rating
- 17 Reviews
- Rocio’s Mole De Los Dioses
- 8255 Sunland Blvd, Sun Valley, CA 91352, USA
- 1-818-252-6415
- Check out @SearchforthePerfectTaco Instagram for more about Rocio’s Mole De Los Dioses
and other Taco Stops.

Scott Porter
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