February 28, 2017
Tortilla game strong! 8-year old Alicia is not messing around taking care of her daily tortilla duties. She takes the masa corn meal dough from the mill and goes to TOWN grinding like nobody’s business with the lava stone metate. And then she starts to “tortillar” before cooking the handmade tortillas on the smoke-free stove (Gracias @choiceorg!).
Farm-to-table tortilla series 5/5.
#farmtotable #wherethestreetshavenoname #laboroflove #tortilladuties #corn #girlpower #girlonfire #sustainabledevelopment #choiceorg #mayan #qeqchi #guatemala #tacos #tortillas #tacolife #tacosaroundtheworld #tacotour #tastemade #eattheworld #foodauthority #feedfeed #tacoliteracy #eater #livetravelchannel #seriouseats #buzzfeast #tacotuesday
February 28, 2017
Lights, camera, grind. The tortilla “molino” mill in action. In with the soaked corn, out with corn masa. Boom! Now it’s ready for the finishing touches at home.
Farm-to-table tortilla series 4/5.
#farmtotable #cornonthecob #cornonthecob #corn #bluecorn #molino #mill #maiz #popcorn #sustainabledevelopment #choiceorg u#mayan #qeqchi #sikaabe #guatemala #tacos #tortillas #tacolife #tacosaroundtheworld #tacotour #tastemade #eattheworld #foodauthority #feedfeed #tacoliteracy #eater #livetravelchannel #seriouseats #buzzfeast #tacotuesday
February 28, 2017
White or blue? Traditionally, the young women carry these small buckets of soaked corn on their heads to the local mill for grinding into the corn masa.
Farm-to-table tortilla series 3/5.
#farmtotable #cornonthecob #cornonthecob #corn #bluecorn #maiz #maize #popcorn #sustainabledevelopment #coimpact #choiceorg #mayan #qeqchi #guatemala #tacos #tortillas #tacolife #tacosaroundtheworld #tacotour #tastemade #eattheworld #foodauthority #feedfeed #tacoliteracy #eater #livetravelchannel #seriouseats #buzzfeast #tacotuesday

February 28, 2017
Pop…corn! 1000s of years of corn tradition and daily ritual are alive and well. Harvested corn is stacked, dried, shucked, and then the hard corn kernels are “popped” off the cob and soaked before being ground into corn meal “masa” dough.
Farm-to-table tortilla series 2/5.
#farmtotable #wherethestreetshavenoname #cornonthecob #cornonthecob #corn #maiz #maize #popcorn #sustainabledevelopment #coimpact #choiceorg #mayan #qeqchi #sikaabe #guatemala #chapin #tacos #tortillas #tacolife #tacosaroundtheworld #tacotour #tastemade #eattheworld #foodauthority #feedfeed #tacoliteracy #eater #livetravelchannel #seriouseats #buzzfeast #tacotuesday

February 28, 2017
Let’s face it, tacos are life. And tacos are nothing without tortillas. Which means tortillas are life. And no where is this more literal and delicious than for the Mayan Qeqchi in rural villages like this one near Sikaa’be in the rainforest of Guatemala.
Here’s the first of today’s #tacotuesday series (1/5) to honor the amazing process, lifestyle and beauty of the farm-to-table tortilla. This is where it all begins. For starters, when you’re living off the land in such humble circumstances and eating tortillas as your staple, you have to have your own #milpa cornfield. And when these breathtaking hills are your resource, you harvest your corn on crazy steep hills. Agricultural feat.
#farmtotable #wherethestreetshavenoname #cornonthecob #corn #maiz #maize #sustainabledevelopment #coimpact #choiceorg #mayan #qeqchi #sikaabe #guatemala #chapin #tacos #tortillas #tacolife #tacosaroundtheworld #tacotour #tastemade #eattheworld #foodauthority #feedfeed #tacoliteracy #eater #livetravelchannel #seriouseats #buzzfeast

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Scott Porter
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