I met up with Kory Stevens on Taco Tuesday at Oteo in Provo Utah. He’s an Entrepreneur, Founder, and CEO of the company Taft. He has been extremely successful in creating relationships with customers… I wanted to learn why he believes in the power of culture, brand experience, and human connection, what he does to create it, and how it’s helped him thrive. All…over tacos. It really doesn’t get much better than this!
“The Soul of Taft” with Kory Stevens
Secret #1: Have customers be a part of the mission.
Secret #2: Create engagement to establish customer loyalty.
Secret #3: Go the extra mile, and know customers personally
Secret #4: Encourage employees to develop relationships
Secret #5: Train and appreciate your customer success team.
Secret #6: Treat people like they’re in a dire emergency.
Secret #7: Humans are more important than products.
Secret #8: Be real and vulnerable with your team.
Secret #9: Have a mission beyond selling products.
Secret #10: Have a great product, excellent service, and a lot of patience
Secret #11: Differentiate with your agility, flexibility, and execution.
Secret #12: Do what others aren’t willing to do
Secret #13: Serve the customer first
Secret #14: Personalize a customer’s first experience
Thanks so much for watching this episode of Tacoincidence! I’d love to hear your feedback and ideas so drop a COMMENT below, hit me up on Instagram, email, phone or …over tacos. Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to this channel so you’ll be the first to know when the new episodes are released (basically your Taco Tuesday alarm clock).
This is Tacoincidence — where we learn in this unconventional master class the secrets of breakthrough culture, brand experience, and human connection from the most brilliant leaders while we’re on the search for the perfect taco. I’m your host, Scott Porter, entrepreneur, brand experience strategist, and the taco-obsessed founder of Vitamin T – A Brand Experience Agency.
In my lifelong search, I’ve learned the taco experience is even more than crazy good tacos — it’s about real human connection. Tacoincidence is about discovering how visionary leaders build successful organizations with human experience at the core of their brand’s DNA. Whether it’s with granola bars, electric bikes, software, or socks. I wanted to learn why these leaders believe in the power of relationship-based brand experience, what they do to create it, and how it’s helped them thrive. All…over tacos.
Join the journey on our website — you’re not going to want to miss out on any taco tours we’re planning! Follow us on social media, subscribe to the podcast and YouTube channel, and tune in for more episodes of Tacoincidence, where we’ll continue to explore the secrets to level up your culture and brand experience AND your taco game.

Scott Porter
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